Once Upon A Time
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Emma's Crib
Emma's Crib (another angle)


Week Twenty-Six
26 Weeks 1 Day Pregnant
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Mark & Elena 1987
Mark & Elena 2004

Emma's crib arrived at 9:00PM this Saturday. It was promptly assembled and placed in Emma's "Neapolitan Suite". Emma the frog once again was eager to stand in for Emma to pose for some quick photos. Thanks again Ceci and Tony. It looks spectacular!

Emma's Grandparents (My Mom and Dad) ordered Emma's matching armoire this week so Emma could have a place to put all her pretty clothes. Elena, Emma and I are extremely grateful. It is expected to arrive in about 12-16 weeks.

Our routine Dr's visit on Friday went well. Emma's little heart is pitter-pattering at 147 beats per minute. Her kicks are getting stronger every day to the point where they are visible to the naked eye (i.e. I see Elena's belly jump when Emma kicks). It's pretty neat and seems to be the way Emma communicates to us in her own primitive way. Although I've got to be honest with you, I have no idea what she is saying. But that's OK. I just talk into Elena's belly and say things like, "Emma, kick once if you love your Daddy!". If she doesn't kick I will then follow with, "Emma, don't kick if you love your Daddy!". Typically she doesn't kick when I say either of these things and I conclude that the message she was trying to convey was that she loves her Daddy, and all is good.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Emma insisted that we move her web site to a more personalized user friendly domain name. She said it was getting hard for her to explain her web address to the other fetuses. Now she can just say, "Go to www.EmmasWebPage.com" and she's done. She insists that you're just not "in" if you don't have a web presence. I personally don't have one but you know how the kids are these days. The next thing she'll be asking for is a cell phone I imagine; although I don't know if I will buy the story about all the other fetuses having cell phones... we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

This week Elena and I will celebrate two important milestones. On Monday, July 11th it will be 18 years since we first met (We met in West New York, New Jersey on July 11th, 1987 while Elena was on vacation, and began dating a week later). We had a six month long-distance relationship before ending it (OK, I ended it, but I was in my senior year of high-school, Elena lived in Florida, and this whole long distance thing was cramping my style). In July of 1992 we started dating (long-distance) again. Six months later I literally packed up all my belongings, jammed them into my car, and moved to South Florida to give our relationship the attention it deserved (Do I get any points back for the "Cramping my style thing?"). We have been together since and on July 13th of 1996, Elena and I tied the knot. Wednesday will mark our 9th year as husband and wife. Honestly, these have been the best 18 years of my life. And I am not just saying that because she is standing right behind me. Just kidding. :)