That’s what we are calling this look. Emma’s hair is not quite long enough for a pony tail so for now she is going to have to settle for a spout. It’s not every day we can get Emma to smile or look directly into the camera so a crazy face is a good face.
The Spout
Pardon Our Dust
I am doing some renovation around here so links may not work well for a bit. I will let you know when the changes are complete.
Tall Capuccino Half-Shot Wet…
Go! Diego Go!
Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut!
Diapers! We don’t need no stinking diapers!
Emma has been doing really good about using the toilet to poop for about a month now. As a result, Elena has allowed Emma to wear “big girl underwear”. Although she has had a few “pee” accidents, Emma seems determined to get it right and will run to the toilet whenever she has to go. We also remind Emma and have her sit on the toilet once an hour so that she gets used to properly answering natures call.
Thank You Easter Bunny – Bawk! Bawk!
For Easter this year I decided to build Emma her very own work-bench. I had seen a pretty good design on Makezine and scaled it down to her size. When I came back inside the house from the garage after working on it for a few hours she was clapping, jumping, and running to kiss me. It was evident from her reaction that she realized that I had toiled at its creation and she desperately wanted to show her appreciation. Needless to say, she was very excited to receive it. We have placed it in our office so that she has a place to sit and work while Elena and I are working. Now I just need to stain it for her. That will be the next project.
That’s My Girl!
I know it’s been a while but as they say, “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.”. Elena, Emma and I have been really busy with our business and have had very little time for personal endeavors. As a result, it’s been really difficult for me to get around to posting updates to this site. I hope that by doing so now I can somehow get back into the habit of making regular updates.
Emma is growing up so fast. She talks a lot now. She enjoys watching “Diego”, “Word World” (Which is a great show by the way!), and “Little Einsteins”. She also loves to sing and play in the park. A couple of weeks ago I went to the park with Emma and she really wanted to climb the “big kids” wall. I instructed her on where to place her hands and feet and how she should always have three of her appendages secured before attempting to grab a new foot-hold. She climbed to the top twice and was super excited about being able to accomplish this. I can’t believe how far we have come. It seems like it was just the other day when all she could do was lay on her back and poke at the mobile dangling above her. I believe Elena’s commitment to taking Emma to the “Little Gym” is paying off. Emma is quite the gymnast.
Naughty or Nice?
So the moment of truth arrived the other day. Up until now Emma had been talking a tough game with her Mom and Dad. But as she stood there in front of old Saint Nick, the sunlight majestically illuminating his rosy-red cheeks and bushy white beard, Emma could not help but to be humbled. When asked by Santa if she had been “naughty” or “nice” this year Emma looked down and sheepishly whispered the words she knew she had to say, “nice”. Santa then retrieved a red book and pencil to add her to his list and then in astonishment, turned the book to Emma and said, “you are already in the ‘nice’ book”. And sure enough, Emma’s name was already there. Emma gave Santa a big hug and off we went.
Emma is really excited about Christmas this year. She has been watching all the Christmas specials and has thus been introduced to “Frosty the Snowman”, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”, and “Santa Claus”. Elena and I look forward to sharing this holiday with her and reliving the wonder and joy that Christmas brings.
It’s beginning to look a lot like…
That’s right boys and girls, Christmas! It’s just around the corner. Now that Emma is 2 years old and has a better understanding as to what Christmas means to her (Toys, Presents, Fun, etc.) we have been using the phrase, “Santa is watching” liberally as a disciplinary tool to keep Emma focussed on being good. Of course as a terrible two-year-old she has been calling our bluff and when asked if she is going to be naughty or nice she responds, “naughty”. It doesn’t matter that we remind her that Santa doesn’t bring toys to the homes of bad girls and boys, she insists that she is going to be “bad”. Hopefully Santa will be forgiving to our little brat.
In November Emma’s cousin Jessie came to visit for five days, and my parents came for four. It was nice to have visitors and Emma was extremely happy to see her Grandparents whom she had not seen in six months.
Emma’s vocabulary continues to impress us. She seems to express herself with new words every day and Elena and I constantly look at each other in wonder as we try to figure out where she learned a particular word or phrase.
“The Little Mermaid” and “Lady and the Tramp” have been played with such frequency that the DVD player no longer requires either disk as it can play them from memory.
Elena and I have been very busy ramping-up our business and are excited with where we are and how far we have come. That’s pretty much why I have been rather silent on Emma’s blog lately. Hopefully that will change as things stabilize.