Hawaiian Delight

Emma got a visit from Aunt Jen, Uncle Fernando, and Cousin Jessie today. They will be heading back to Hawaii soon so they decided to spend the day playing with Emma. Although Emma is typically shy and reserved she warmed-up to them quickly. Uncle Fernando sped around with Emma in her new car, going-up and down driveways in the neighborhood which Emma thoroughly enjoyed. It was great to spend some time with them and hope to see them again this summer.

Emma’s Tech Tip – How To Reduce Spam

Tired of receiving spam (i.e. unsolicited phone calls, junk mail, etc.). Here are a couple of tips that will help you to reduce the “noise” in your life.

Unsolicited Phone Calls From Telemarketers

Last year the National “Do Not Call” Registry went online. I think it was last year. Perhaps it was 2005. Nevertheless, once you register your phone number telemarketer’s are forbidden to call you there and are subject to stiff penalties if they do.


Junk Mail

Reduce the amount of clutter that fills your snail-mail box. Opt-out at the Direct Marketing Association’s Mail Preference Service.


All Systems Are Go!!!

Just did a fresh install of the newly released WordPress 2.1 and things look good. You should now be able to post comments again. You know you want to… Don’t be shy!

Technical Difficulties

It has been brought to my attention that comments are no longer working. I believe this is a result of my playing around with my WordPress installation over the weekend. As soon as I have this resolved I will post an update here.

Things That Make You Go VRooooom!


Yesterday Emma’s cousin Jessie gave her a brand new car. Emma was really excited and had a blast driving around in it. It’s fully-loaded with a trunk in the front and a horn on the wheel (which Emma promptly leaned on). A true Floridian indeed.


Emma also got to meet her Uncle Fernando and Aunt Jennifer for the first time yesterday. It was great to see them.

A Good Morning Smile


This is one of Elena’s favorite pictures of the day. Just thought we would share it with you in hope that it brightens your day as it did ours.


Here Emma is examining her hand after playing with bubbles. She really enjoyed popping the bubbles. When all was said and done, Emma was soaked in the soapy liquid. Elena has some video as well. It is too cute.

Elena’s Birthday


On January 13th we celebrated Elena’s 37th Birthday. We had dinner at O’Charleys in Raleigh, North Carolina with Elena’s cousin Pititi and his family. Emma met her beautiful twin cousins, Jackie and Alex for the first time. Both are the most loving, well-behaved children you could ever meet. It was nice to see them after so many years. We look forward to seeing and spending more time with them in the future.


In five days Emma will be 15 months old. She is quite mobile and surprisingly fast for a creature of her size. Her verbal skills are still extremely limited and has a five word vocabulary (“was-is”, “dadadadada”, “nana”, “clock”, “cup”). Despite this she can sign at least 17 different signs (“milk”, “vegetables”, “bath”, “potty”, “banana”, “bear”, “cheese”, “water”, “diaper”, “more”, “train”, “all done”, “bubbles”, “me”, “I love you”, “hi”, “bye”) and can process simple commands like “give the doll to daddy”, or “put the paper in the garbage”. She is quite fascinated by the trash can and despite our strict rules against her touching it, will deposit random items in it when we are not looking. So far a shoe, and a toy has found its way to the bottom of the receptacle. It’s only a matter of time before our coveted TiVO remote is sent to an early grave at the bottom of a landfill. Little by little I am starting to feel like a Dad. I wish it would have been a more immediate feeling but for Dads I believe it takes a little bit longer before you feel like you matter in the eyes of your child. Today was a fine example of that. When I returned from work and opened the first of a pair of doors I use to enter my house, I heard the pitter-patter of little feet hurrying to greet me. When I opened the second door, Emma was standing on the other side with the brightest little smile. She had heard the garage open and recognized that the sound she had heard meant that Daddy was home. It’s moments like that that make me feel like a million bucks.

Pictures of Emma at 1 year old

Elena took Emma to JCPenny’s to get some professional pictures taken the day before she turned one. She dressed her up in a “birthday dress” and her Halloween costume. Here are some of the shots that were taken.

If you could talk to the animals…


Elena, Emma, and Jessie were invited to the zoo this week by Emma’s friend Owen. They had a great time looking at the animals together. Emma is also eating more and more solid food with each day. Elena and I put a plan together to wean her off breast milk and have been acting on it. As a result, Emma is sleeping though the night now which is a God-send for Elena and me. We also learned that we needed to let go a little with the baby monitor. We turned off the motion sensor when Emma turned 11 months because we were getting too many false alarms in the middle of the night due to her increased mobility. In the last month we also no longer sleep with the monitor “on” in our bedroom. Emma tends to cry and complain in her sleep. That sound, amplified and delivered to our bedroom ensures that her Mother and me don’t have a restful night. Our door is kept open so when Emma really wants us she cries out loud and we tend to her. It has done wonders for us. I only wish we would have thought to do that sooner. You live and learn I guess.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Me, Elena, and Emma in front of Christmas tree

Elena’s feeding Emma at the moment and in 6 minutes I will start my nightly walk with Emma. Just thought I would take this free moment to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Elena is getting excited about contributing to the site. She has been searching for a more appropriate theme and I have been investigating other enhancements. I also modified the system so you have to log in to leave a comment. This will prevent people from having to retype their name and email address each time they want to leave a comment. Anyway, my time is about up. Until next time.
