Emma with her new phone

emmas phone

Just got “picture upload” working. Thought I would share this little gem of Emma with her new cell phone taken Christmas morning.

Happy New Year’s Eve!!!

Wow! It’s amazing how quickly this year has gone by. It has been quite eventful to say the least. First and foremost let me address the new look and feel of Emma’s Web Page. I have wanted to incorporate several features into this site over the past two years but with my limited free time I have only been able to make small incremental changes. The functionality I have been yearning to implement requires time and tinkering above and beyond what a 24 hour day will allow. In addition, my talent and skill as a web designer leave something to be desired. To that end I have decided to temporarily abandon my effort in this regard and procure an alternate, free, and highly successful, off-the-shelf solution known as “WordPress“. Of course I still wanted to get my hands dirty in the process so in lieu of just signing up and hosting on someone else’s server (and paying them for it) I downloaded and installed the necessary code on the hosting server where “EmmasWebPage” resides. So what does this change mean to me, you ask? Patience Grasshopper…

  • You have heard me drone and dribble for hours on end, now I want to hear from you! That’s right, you now have the ability to post comments to updates, ask questions, give advice (God knows we need it), and leave messages to Emma. Your words will then become a part of this wonderful archive for Emma to view when she is older. I have been Jones’n to add this feature and now the wait is over.
  • Updates from Mom. That’s right, Elena doesn’t know it yet but I am hoping that with the toolset this utility provides, Elena will become a contributing author. Wouldn’t it be nice to hear her point of view for a change? What motherhood has been like? What her dreams for the future are? I think so.
  • Wondering if an update has occurred but you are getting tired of checking the website on a daily basis? Fear not! Subscribe to the RSS feed of Emma’s web page and you will be notified as soon as an update occurs.
  • Did I discuss something in the past that you are interested in revisiting but you can’t seem to find it? With “tags” that problem goes away. Now you will be able to search through the posts using keyword tags. We’ll talk about that more later (in a future post).
  • And more…

2007 should be an exciting year for Emma’s Web Page. Stick around and join us won’t you!
