Emma turned 18 months on the 21st of this month. To commemorate this momentous occasion Emma received her final Polio and DTP inoculations. Thankfully she will not have to receive any additional shots for several years (somewhere around 4 and 6 years of age).
This week Emma ate peanut M&Ms as well as peanut butter. Her Pediatrician would like Emma to stop drinking from bottles and limit her milk (soy) intake to about 18 oz a day (Currently she consumes about 24 oz). Emma has also lost interest in nursing and prefers a bottle at night time to her mother’s breast. As a result, I get to give her her feedings at night which is fine by me. Now Daddy gets a chance to participate in the bedtime feeding ritual and Mommy gets to take a break.
Emma is also starting to sign in sentences (with our encouragement). And will request things like “bread water ducks” which means it’s time to get some bread and water to feed the ducks in our backyard. Elena and Emma feed the ducks every day during the week while I am at work.
Emma is able to say about a dozen words like “keys”, “Mama”, “Dada”, “Chicken”, “Bubbles”, “Me”, “Purple”, “Sticker”, “Cookie”. That’s all I can remember at the moment.
Emma continues to have a great sense of humor and will laugh and smile and run and hide and laugh some more. We picked up a Nintendo Wii and when Elena and I play “Wii Bowling” Emma can’t stop laughing. Especially when her mother scores a strike and yells “BAM!”. She also has a dark side that will shriek and cry and complain if she doesn’t get her way. Tantrum is probably a more accurate way to describe what she does. We are working the kinks out of this one and should have her operating properly in a few months ;).
Emma’s knees have regular encounters with the cement floor in our patio and are frequently scratched, scraped and adorned with “BooBoo stickers”. She is extremely curious, as all kids are, and wants those things that she is not supposed to have which gets her into trouble at times. Alas, that’s all part of growing up.
“Cookie Monster”