I know most 3 year-olds are not into doing laundry, cleaning, and helping out around the house, but our little Cinderella, um I mean Emmarella loves it! She is always asking me if she can help me clean, cook, bake, etc. Today, she wanted to fold the clothes. She took the clothes out of the […]
[Continue reading...]Who Says TV is Bad For Kids?

You constantly hear how terrible TV is for kids, but you never hear that it can be good, in moderation of course. Tonight when I was reading books to Emma we came to a picture that was labeled “reeds”. Right away she told me, “They are also called bullrushes”. I am not familiar with the […]
[Continue reading...]Emmalina Ballerina
Emma began ballet classes this week. Although she isn’t 4 yet, she is in the four-year-old class as her previous teacher thought she was ready. She will be doing a little bit of jazz in this class as well. Her new teacher is Ms. Ashton. She is a beautiful young lady who is very sweet. […]
[Continue reading...]Emma with Pigtails
Every once in awhile, Emma requests for her hair to be picked up in pigtails. Because we cut her hair shorter than usual this summer, her hair wasn’t really long enough for pigtails. However, we were able to make some “low-hanging” pigtails to satisfy her request. She is very much a girly-girl. Loves everything princess! […]
[Continue reading...]Daddy & Emma
Emma adores her Daddy but she doesn’t always show it. Sometimes though, if she knows something special might be coming, like a trip to Goodberry’s for custard, she is EXTRA sweet to him. Daddy of course, won’t complain….he’ll take it when he can get it:) Here’s proof of how sweet & loving she can be:
[Continue reading...]Our Little Jumping Bean
Art Camp Paintings
Emma had a wonderful time at Art Camp. Unfortunately after completing her 3rd day, she got sick so she was not able to finish the week. She was so excited to go that she still woke up on the 4th day and asked if she could wear a bikini to preschool. The 4th day was […]
[Continue reading...]Emma’s First Day of Preschool Art Camp
It’s tough to think that Emma is so big already that she is ready for Preschool. It seemed just a little while back, that this day was WAY in the future. Well, it’s here and Emma couldn’t be happier:) Although “real” preschool doesn’t begin for another 2 weeks, the preschool that Emma will be attending, […]
[Continue reading...]It’s Been 13 Years!
July 13, 1996 is a day I will remember forever. Why? Because I married the Love of My Life. Today we celebrated our 13th Wedding Anniversary. I am so blessed to have Mark as my husband, my partner, my friend and my daughter’s dad. Emma, when you get older and are ready to date (which […]
[Continue reading...]July 4th Celebration
We had a wonderful 4th of July with our great friends and neighbors, Ted, Lisa and their daughter Emma. My sister, Anamarie, surprised me and came up for a few days to visit and my Mom also showed up. It was great catching up with my family and our friends. Emma LOVED watching the fireworks […]
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